Use "lurch|lurched|lurches|lurching" in a sentence

1. The truck lurched sideways.

2. Its dark and lurching mast filled all my vision.

3. Certainly his career has lurched Chaotically, Gilliam says

4. My stomach gave an involuntary lurch.

5. His disciples coalesce around him as he lurches towards the inevitable.

6. 7 He lurched through the bar, grinning inanely.

7. She gave a little cry and lurched forwards.

8. The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.

9. Bunched britches, lurching loins, hot haunches, call it what you want.

10. John felt a lurch of dismay.

11. Her heart gave an unsteady lurch.

12. " My heart lurched at the sight of him.

13. Alures Allurers alerces lurers lurches lures largess allayers lollers larees

14. I wouldn't leave her in the lurch.

15. A damp, musty smell lurched out to greet him.

16. Certainly his career has lurched chaotically, Gilliam says.

17. 27 Virginia's heart lurched painfully in her chest.

18. Turn that frown upside down, Lurch.

19. He resigned and left me in the lurch.

20. Sam hit the gas and the car lurched forward.

21. Poor Sylvia got left in the lurch.

22. With a gawky, clunky gait Magic lurches slowly across the yard.

23. George quitted his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

24. Street, Hollywood and Detrait are also left in the lurch.

25. The coachman cracked his whip and the carriage lurched forward.

26. With a gawky[], clunky gait Magic lurches slowly across the yard.

27. They will not leave you in the lurch.

28. 16 His curt tone made her stomach lurch.

29. 25 Lexandro's heart lurched, and a certain awe invaded him.

30. 7 This is the fire sale of a continent lurching from the farm to the factory.

31. From time to time, the bus lurches to a stop, and even more people squeeze on.

32. The unfortunate natives were left in the lurch.

33. The bus lurches along a bumpy road through a landscape of uncultivated desolation.

34. You mustn't leave them in the lurch like that.

35. Tom quit his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

36. Behind her, Atrimonides lurched clear of a rising pall of smoke.

37. With an angry clang the machine lurched and rocked out even more.

38. Synonyms for Bucking include pitching, rocking, lurching, rolling, plunging, tossing, listing, motion, movement and wobbling

39. You wouldn't leave an old friend in the lurch, surely?

40. The bandit catch Bill, and Tom leave him in the lurch.

41. Also left in the lurch: Wall Street , Hollywood, and Detroit.

42. Bill quit his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

43. Screens were pulled, lurching and swaying on screaming castors, the curtains swelling like sheets in a squall.

44. She put her foot down on the accelerator and the car lurched forward.

45. The pager company shut down Tuesday, leaving 2000 customers in the lurch.

46. 27 And most, in their macroeconomic management, lurched between unjustified fears of recession and unwarranted euphoria about growth.

47. 16 The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance.

48. They have fled the field and left their constituents in the lurch.

49. UPS workers went on strike today, leaving thousands of customers in the lurch.

50. But I won't leave you in the lurch even if that time comes.

51. She felt she had been left in the lurch by all her colleagues.

52. The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance.

53. He got what he wanted and left me in the lurch as a scapegoat.

54. The property sector was another casualty of the lurch towards higher interest rates.

55. It all seemed disjointed and unreal to Donaldson, as if his world had suddenly taken a lurching sideways step.

56. How can we leave them in the lurch, in their teens,[sentence dictionary] like that?

57. It's the same design as the medallion, she thought, with a little lurch of excitement.

58. His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret.

59. The coffee cup lurched in his fingers and he felt two scalding drops on his hand.

60. The hairs on the nape of my neck tingled and my tired heart lurched with fear.

61. I had to calm down, and not lurch around in traffic like a maniac.

62. No mum has the rod to pud a stub to the lurch of Amotion.

63. It must have just lurched into life out of a great trodden stillness of dust and damp.

64. When the ship lurched into translational lift, Anderson aimed for the gap between two trees and went.

65. Though he had lurched into the kitchen like a drunken huntsman, he had known what to do.

66. Now that John is poor and unfortunate, his friends have left him in the lurch.

67. 30 It must have just lurched into life out of a great trodden stillness of dust and damp.

68. 11 synonyms for Careen: sway, tilt, rock, keel, lurch, reel, stagger, swag, wobble, tilt, shift

69. She had never got over that chap who left her in the lurch all those years ago.

70. Britain in mid-1979 was unlikely to lurch into any drastic transformation, let alone a dictatorship.

71. 28 As the tank lurched away the shape ignited on a surface of bare rock, blasting it to pieces.

72. Oh, Mr. Fox, shouted the cat. You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch.

73. 27 Bright flash in the sky, the way the aircraft lurched forward like a car Jolted in heavy traffic.

74. He lurched to the catwalk with the breath tearing in his throat and the sweat shiny on his face.

75. I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch but I can't do the presentation with you this afternoon.

76. Soon she would know ... But when she finally arrived at the little mews her heart gave a lurch.

77. 25 The shuttle trembled violently as it accelerated along the runway. With a lurch, the vibration ceased.

78. Stephen lurched and pushed against her, bumping painfully on her, grinding his pelvis into the delicate skin of her crutch.

79. Each of those 23 games could be a rung up a ladder or lurch down a blind alley .

80. Scrubbing my mouth with my sleeve, I feel the Cathedral lurch beneath me, tilt towards a new trajectory.